October: Descent to Our Shadow Self…
Welcome Friend,
The following is a little peek into the work the women of Priestess Unleashed are currently diving into as we move into Autumn and Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere.
“The moon is waning and my curiosity is peeked...
Reflection before descent is an important step in deepening our work...
Our theme for October is "Descent to Our Shadow Self"
The term "shadow work" gets tossed around as much as "love and light" does these days. The shadow is where the real work lies. In shining the light into our darkest corners and comforting the parts of us that have gone unnoticed and unloved, we're truly able to transform and ascend to our highest Priestess selves.
Allowing time for reflection before our new journey begins is an important practice in Radical Honesty. You may be thinking, isn't "radical honesty" just another term that gets tossed around to cover up poor behavior?
You're right, it is... but true radical honesty is when we allow ourselves to be honest internally without the layers and opinions of others influencing our lense. Radical honesty means being okay, even with the rough spots, owning our thoughts and actions, and doing so in a way that causes the least amount of harm. Knowing that harm is more often than not self-inflicted through our own reactions and not what was actually said. It's, "Did I just hurt my own feelings?" put into action.
To clarify this a little further, radical honesty is a practice we use on ourselves for ourselves, not a way of brandishing our judgement on others. It's also, not a way to further beat ourselves up. It requires compassion, reflection, and grace.”
If this little exert from our work in Priestess Unleashed has peeked your interest, please consider joining us for our Winter Retreat, The Flame Within: Tending the Fire of Your Heart in New Harmony, IN February 2nd to 4th
With Perfect Love & Perfect Trust,
The Shadow is where the real work lies…
Allowing time for reflection before our new journey begins is an important practice in Radical Honesty. You may be thinking, isn't "radical honesty" just another term that gets tossed around to cover up poor behavior?
You're right, it is... but true radical honesty is when we allow ourselves to be honest internally without the layers and opinions of others influencing our lense. Radical honesty means being okay, even with the rough spots, owning our thoughts and actions, and doing so in a way that causes the least amount of harm. Knowing that harm is more often than not self-inflicted through our own reactions and not what was actually said. It's, "Did I just hurt my own feelings?" put into action.
To clarify this a little further, radical honesty is a practice we use on ourselves for ourselves, not a way of brandishing our judgements on others. It's also, not a way to further beat ourselves up. It requires compassion, reflection, and grace.
Let's dive in with this week's Journal Prompts:
What has your first month of this program brought forward for you?
What discomfort has come up? What softening has occurred?
How are you feeling about the content of the course? What is missing that would allow you to take the experience deeper? What already feels juicy and has you craving more?
Please share with us how these prompts land for you...respond ALL to this email, post in the FB group, post to Instagram and tag @goddessyogiash and #priestessunleashed
I do ask that you also take a step deeper into the practice of vulnerability this week. If you are a FB user, please take a moment to make a post introducing yourself to the group. If you are not a FB user please "Reply All" to this email to introduce yourself. It is through this level of connection with our sisters that we are able to strengthen the thread to the Divine Feminine and more steadily walk the path of a Priestess Unleashed.